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Silhouette Studio® updates

The Silhouette Studio® software is free to download from our website.

Silhouette America also provides free updates from time-to-time for the Silhouette Studio® program to enhance certain capabilities, as well as resolve software bugs found in previous versions.

If you are running the upgraded Designer Edition version, please note that updating your software will not remove your license key or require you to re-purchase a license key. There is a difference between “updating” (which provide updates for the software from version to version) and “upgrading” (which is moving from the basic version to the Designer Edition version). As new updates to the Silhouette Studio software are offered, please rest assured that the updates may be safely performed and will apply to both the basic standard version and the Designer Edition version.

To install or update your software:

  1. If updating, close any instance of the Silhouette program currently running
  2. Go to our website home page
  3. Click to expand the Silhouette Studio section, if necessary
  4. Next to Current Version, click on the Mac or Windows link to download the program. Which option will depend on the operating system in use.
  5. Once downloaded, you will proceed with standard installation steps for your operating system.
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